Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thinking is Being

     Today, I am allowing myself to be inspired by my Source.  I want to speak on the importance of self-love, and what it means in terms of health.  In my book, it means EVERYTHING. We are what we think we are, in other words, what we think becomes our reality.  Don't believe me? Go ahead, put it to the test.  I can stand on my soapbox for hours warning you of the horrors of negative thought and the way it impacts your life, or, you can simply become aware of how your surroundings are, and what you've been thinking lately.  If it doesn't directly correlate, you're not paying attention.  I may have touched on this subject lightly in an earlier post, but I believe that my Source is telling me that it bears repeating.
     It is often difficult to think positively.  If we are caught in a rut of negative thought, as I have been most of my life, the only things that will undoubtedly manifest, are the things (ironically) that we are trying to get away from.  Many of us do not know how to break free of this cycle.  The first thing (this should be a DUH moment) is to become aware that you may be the cause of your own negative surroundings.  This includes, and is NOT limited to the people around you, where you live, your vocation, and anything else you can think of.
     Believe me, I didn't want to admit this, and it is extremely difficult to sit here right now baring my soul to the general public about the negativity I myself have invited to rule my life. I want you all to know that gradually, after I admitted that I am the cause of my pain, self-doubt, self-consciousness (the negative end), and lack of abundance. I am starting to acknowledge that I am also the cause of any healing that has come from that admittance. I have to consciously refuse to believe the negativity I am addicted to, and replace it with loving, positive energies. We can all be the source of healing in our lives.  Some of us need a little jump start, such as energy work.  And if that isn't enough, believe me, the universe will bring to you all that you need in order for you to heal your specific ailments!  
     I say this because I have, in this past very short few weeks of my intent to bring healing and positivity into my life, been in contact with people who have contacts for me who do remarkable mediums in healing that I have never even heard of!  I am amazed (still, and probably always will be) at the remarkable love that our Source has for us, and if you truly intend to get closer to that Source, you will be shown what you need in your life- right when you need it.  You can deny this simple fact, or, as I have previously stated: put it to the test.

     I now have heard of two more modalities of Eastern type healers that I never knew existed in our world: Rapid Eye Therapists, and Emotional Rebalance Therapists.  Let me know if anyone else has heard of these, or other, related modalities! Foot Zone Therapy is relatively new to me, even.  Shocking- if you knew my mother and her philosophies on health and wellness.  I am excited to learn more about these modalities, and how they will be able to allow me to give more to the world!
     In listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer, I feel so in tune with the lessons he has learned in his life about manifesting, and intentionally thinking, I feel sure that I was brought these lessons to help me in my quest to find my calling in life.  He is obviously a faithful, and spiritual man, and that means quite a bit to me. While some of his words don't always feel congruent to my faith, for the most part, I can put those incongruities on a shelf, open them later, or forget about them. 

     I encourage anyone (and everyone) who is struggling in their lives to: 
STOP, whatever it is you are doing, STOP, and listen
Take a moment to CONNECT to a higher power, for some of you, that could be God, for others, you know who or what your higher power is, it is your Source. You are NEVER too busy, or in too much of a hurry to do this.  This is vital.
FEEL just what that Source is trying to teach you at that moment.
BREATHE- it is so important to breathe.  In with the positive, cleansing energy, out with the negative, slowly moving energy.  If it helps to visualize it in colors, do so.  I do!
LET GO. Let go of the (any) past versions of yourself.  You will never be that person again, stop trying to get them back! 
REALIZE what is the truth in what is going on in your life, and what is the lie.  You will feel it and know it once you (find it and) admit it.  Hint: if you are still telling yourself that you are ugly because someone in second grade told you that, THAT would be the lie you have allowed to perpetrate as truth in your life, and it is harmful (just like poison)!
HOLD ON to the truth! The truth shall set you free! Liberation at all costs can and will be yours if you realize that you alone hold the key!  The truth is that we are all good, beautiful miracles.  How can we not be when we come from an amazing source that creates nothing but GOOD? Again, if you don't believe your creator makes good stuff, you're not paying attention. Put it to the test.
GET RID OF the lies. Do not allow them to permeate your spirit ever again.  If you start to think negatively, or you invite a lie back, even for a second, INTERRUPT that thought! Replace it with positivity, and move on, RINSE REPEAT.

     This is what I do every day. Sometimes several times in the day.  For some of us, it is easy to be truly happy, and healthy.  For the rest of us normal people, it is hard work!  But, oh-so worth it!!  Our bodies have such a wonderful capacity to heal, but in saying that, I have to let you in on an amazing secret: No one tells us this fact!  In a sense, we have to relearn this truth.  This is what I am here for.  I am here to tell you that God put these things on this planet for us to take advantage of, in fact it is a belief of the LDS religion that these things are here for us, and that we should seek after them: Article of Faith 13: "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
     Also, for those of you who haven't read a Bible in a while, not that I'm trying to be a Bible thumper, I'm simply quoting from one of the oldest books left here on Earth, to remind you to seek after good things in your lives:  Genesis 1:31- "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."
     Thank you for coming here, once again, and choosing to spend your precious time on my blog.  My hope is that it aligns you to be inspired (to be "in spirit",we'll talk more on that in a later post), and to do whatever it takes to find good health, and wellbeing!


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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why is Good Health so Taboo?

     As I sit scanning the "interwebs," reading about how GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are invading darn near every inch of our food supply, and the fact that the purveyors will not label their proud accomplishments, I wonder: Why?  Why would a Government agency like the FDA keep something found to make people sick, and let it run amok, instead of sacking it once they found out the side effects?  I understand they "Why" behind making GM food: to make crops grow bigger, faster, thus making more food to feed more people.  As stated previously though, the powers that be found out it makes people sick, maybe not right away, but studies being conducted on said GM vegetable crops are making the next generation of the family sterile.  Sterile.  If GMs can make little rat buddies sterile (and not the super clean sterile, the no kid havin sterile...), what is it doing to humans?  Ever wonder why there are so many cases of Autism, ADHD, Childhood Onset Type II Diabetes (a diabetes that supposedly doesn't plague children), and other diseases, just to name a few, cropping up all over the place?  I am asking these questions not in the hopes for an answer, I am hoping that while you're reading this, you are also asking yourself these questions, and investigating.  Diving deep, if you will.
     My sister is going to college right now to become a botanist.  I don't think that she ever worried too much about what was in her food until she started to study the genetic structures of plants, and it was a real eye opener for her.  The eye opener for me was years ago when I started my yo-yo journey of weight gain and loss.  Every time I'd eat food deemed "good for me" I stayed slim. Every time I just threw caution to the wind, and ate any old thing (even in moderation) my weight went up.  The correlation was uncanny.  I have twice since put it to the test, not on purpose, mind you...
     I don't want to be a downer, and I dislike the term "conspiracy theorist," but hey, if the shoe fits!  I really am in the market to cause people to think.  Get that ol grey matter working!  If you're gonna delve into something, why not something so controversial?  It seems to me that the more people try to make something a secret, the more they have some hidden, not-so-good-agenda to hide.  It's sad, but the truth also has a way of scratching its way to the surface no matter how deep its buried!  Don't take my word for it, kids.  Just question everything.  Make sure you're not taking for granted the state of our health in this day and age!
     I can't be the only one who thinks the way I do, I can see that I'm not if pictures like this exist in the world!

Question everything: What is in my Twinkie that causes it to last and stay "fresh" for so many years?  If I can't pronounce that ingredient, should I put it into my body?  Why is THAT in my food, and what the Hell is it? Why are there so many things on this list of ingredients? Just to put a few out there to get ya started.  Now, we come back to the question I'm sure is on the tip of your cortex: What does this have to do with Foot Zone Therapy? I have to stop and shake my head.  In my mind, it is only logical to want to have total health.
     In order to have total health, this is part of it.  What we put into our bodies, affects our bodies and how they run. Do you want a more efficient machine?  What do you put into it?  Logical yet?  I can only hope so!  Your body's total health is so much more than just making sure you eat a salad every now & then.  It is listening to music, it is learning, it is getting at least 5 minutes of sunshine per day, it is reading labels, it is regular foot zones, drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day.  It is questioning why we are not revolting against what is or isn't in our food!
     If this is not making sense to you, then I'm afraid you are reading the wrong blog.  but, in the same sentence, if I am causing you to stop, and think about any of this, then my job is done here!  Please do right by your body!  You only have one, think of it as your house, or your car.  Love it, take care of it, try not to trash it!  Give it a good Spring Cleaning!  Haha!  I believe the next topic may be: what your mind can do for you, and what you can do for your mind!  Let me know if that sounds like a fun topic!
     For now, here's a couple pictures of what I put into my body daily to help it run more efficiently!  My loverly Green Smoothies!


     This is my daily ritual:
Sha's Green Smoothies
*All of the ingredients are best ORGANIC
Get 4 bunches (handsful) of different greens; kale, collard, lettuce, or spinach (my fave)
put in blender with 1 cup regular, akaline, or coconut water, and 1 cup 100% apple juice (optional, you can always add more H2O, but, this sweetens it)
Add to that: handful of blueberries, and maybe 1 cup of any other fruit you feel like having that day, frozen is good to make it nice & cold, but isn't necessary
3Tblsp Hemp Hearts or ground flax seed
1-3 Tblsp Coconut oil 
3-4 Tblsp Greek yogurt, honey flavored is the tastiest
handful of baby carrots
1 stalk celery
3-4 sliced & chopped cucumber rounds
1 small sliver of beet (too much is overpowering), size of your thumb maybe?
Blend until smooth, no chunks. May have to add more liquid so as not to bog down blender motor.


     In the picture on the right, the containers are in the windowsill gathering sunshine!  It's a good way to get sun (Vitamin D) absorption if it's too hot to go outside like it often is where I live! 5 minutes is all it takes.  Now, if you're thinking this looks too gross to try, I feel bad for you.  It's just green. Green is just a color, it's no worse than eating something brown.  We eat beef, right?  Point made? If you put enough fruit into it, it tastes marvelous. It is tasty, and extremely good for your body! I love food, I am a "foodie" why would I consume something that tasted gross?  
     Thank you for coming on this journey with me today!  I wish you well in your endeavor for health and enlightenment!


  <-- (My dream blender!)

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sharing is Caring!

     I wanted to share with you all a piece of noteworthy, informing  "art."  It is entitled: "How Corn Syrup made America Fat."  Many people ask me what High Fructose Corn Syrup is, and why I don't want it in my body.  While I cannot fully explain it because I get so emotional that the person asking does not know already, this informational image does a really great job at educating in an easy to read graphic. 
     We have been lied to (about a lot of things) for quite a long time.  The lies are being spread far and wide.  While I personally do not know why the lying, I am pretty sure it is all for profit.  Some could say it is a conspiracy, well- maybe it is, maybe it isn't.  All I know is that the correlation between HFCS, Diabetes, and Obesity is all too obvious to me; but is it only that painfully obvious to a select few?  The real question is, how can we (The People) NOT see the correlation, make the connection and revolt? 
     We don't need to line anyone else's pockets.  Please enjoy this informational graphic brought to us by
I hope it helps shed some light on the subject.  My hope is that the truth is spreading farther than the lies are. My hope is not to start a fueled argument, but rather a fueled thought process, with discussion.  Ask yourself if this information makes sense, if it does, then simply avoid HFCS.  You DO NOT have to buy it simply because it is in the store.  I don't. I REFUSE.
     You may also ask what this has to do with Foot Zone Therapy? Well, if our body is in alignment, it runs more efficiently. I post the necessary, thought provoking items I feel deal with health, balance, and self-awareness; it all has to do with Foot Zoning, care of your body, mind, and spirit.  If one of those elements is outta whack, it all is!  Something to think about, no?!


how corn syrup made america fat

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sundays are for Rest & Reflection


     Recently I've started to take notice that what I put out into the world, I get back, whether that be good or bad.  Unfortunately, I've noticed that the bad energies have been outnumbering the good.  What do you think happens when this occurs?  That's right, one starts to spiral downward out of control, the body starts to fall apart. I was digging a ditch so large for myself, I may as well have buried myself in it whilst alive!  I had no idea what I needed to do in order to change my mindset, I only knew it had to be changed.  I learned something from G.I. Joe in my younger years, "Knowing is half the battle."  What I have done with that knowledge since this "a-ha moment" has been a journey I'd like to take others on, hence, why I am writing about it. It's a work and a journey in progress!
       First of all, I knew I needed to hit my Reset Button, so to speak. I had heard about people who do "energy work," and though I still do not totally understand the ins-and-outs of energy work, I knew that when it was described to me in short form, it sounded like what I needed.  I guess I put that thought VERY strongly into the Universe, because the next thing I knew, I had a day off from my regular "Joe Job," and one of my best girlfriends is calling me up outta the blue, telling me that she was going to be in my town that day for an appointment, and wanted to get a Foot Zone. We got that appointment set for a time that worked, but I got the distinct impression that I should ask her what her appointment was for.  I never ask people things like this, it's just none of my business, but I found myself asking if she minded telling me, and I found out that she did energy work, and that her appointment was to come down here to "The Big City" (AKA St. George), to go to a Wings meeting. Now I still don't really know what Wings is (here is a good link to start the journey to enlightenment on that subject though: but, I felt it had been brought to my attention for a really good reason.  
     The reason?  Because I asked for it.  Not in so many words, but I had been dwelling on how to get my train of thought re-railed, or my mindset changed, or my Reset Button hit, whatever you wanna call it- for so long, and so intently, that I brought it to me.  I only realized this once I talked for a good while with my gal pal.  She asked had I ever seen the movie, "What the *&%$# do We Know?"
     Yeah, I had seen it back in Portland, but I was WUI (watching under the influence),  so I didn't really recall it, but vaguely.  The funny thing about her asking me this question was- I had recently, within the last 2-3 days of talking with her, put that same movie into my Netflix Queue.  What the What?  I know!  I had tacked it to the end of the line-up along with "The Secret,"  and filed it in my brain under, "to watch in the not so near, if ever, better-make-it-sooner-than-that, future."
     After chatting with her, I fired up the movie, and just KNEW that all the anger, hatred, guilt, anxiety, depression, etc. that I had been feeling (and feeding off of) for the past I don't even know how long (which had finally reached a point of such disgustingly epic proportions, I had to get rid of it), I had in actuality brought on, I had become addicted to the negative energy that I was pumping into my own system.  When one discovers such a truth about one's self, what is left for one to do?
     I chose to accept it, own it, and CHANGE IT.  This has been the longest week of my life (Geez, has it only been a week?)!  Changing a pattern of thought after so many years is not an easy task, let me assure you!  I have tried before, but never gone to the extent that I have this time.  I know that I am ready to make this change, and complete this journey to positive self-awareness and healing.  
     Just like Foot Zone Therapy, this knowledge was brought to me when I needed it, without my realizing I needed it at that moment in time.  Now that I know I am connected to all creation, and that my thoughts indeed have effect on me, and I'm quite sure everyone around me, I am really paying attention to what I'm thinking.  The trick is this; when you start to think a negative thought of any kind- INTERRUPT IT.  Stop it.  Cut it away from you, send it on its way, and immediately replace it with the positive version of that very awareness.  
     This is why this week has seemed so long for me, almost 2 weeks, I suppose, but still... I have been busily interrupting negative patterns and thoughts, and sending them on their way, away from me, but not just that, changing them into positive thought patterns. I accept that I have created the reality I wanted; just in a mindset that needed a total overhaul!  My journey to create the reality I want, that I saw in far away dreams up until now, is now being set in motion.  I can already feel a difference in my body, and it is good.  It hasn't been easy work, but it has already been worth it.
     I am excited to know that I am becoming the person God intends for me to be.  Now, why bring Him into it? While on the path to spiritual healing, it is only logical to find one's source, whether you call that source Buddha, Mohammed, The Great Spirit, it's still your source. I choose God because for me, it is a logical choice, one in which I can identify easily.
     I say that in order to come full circle with the reflection for today: I get back from the world what I put out to it...  in Sunday school today, it was part of our lesson,  we read in Alma 41:15- "For that which ye do asend out shall return unto you again, and be restored; therefore, the word restoration more fully condemneth the sinner, and justifieth him not at all."  
     If that didn't kick me in the head and let me know that I am on the right path, I don't know much else that will!  I am grateful for this journey I am embarking upon, I leave this with you in the hope that you will ponder what I have written, and not only feast upon the words, but partake.  I mean to say, you can always go to a feast, and not eat.  If you go to a feast and eat, your hunger is satiated. Likewise, you can read something, but until you move forward and do something with that knowledge, it just sits dormant, or hungry within you.  It does not serve you.  Feast, partake, love.  Thank you for listening today!


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Friday, August 3, 2012

Welcome to the other side of my Life!

     Hello everyone, I've decided to start a new blog page on a subject that is not too well known, but news is spreading!  What is it?  Foot Zone Therapy.  I may blog more on this page than I have on my Shaweet Nails page (which I deleted), only because I've been getting more foot zone business than nail business.  I feel the urge to spread the word about the healthful benefits of foot zone therapy, and enlighten anyone who will read about it, and how it fits into my life; and why it should fit into yours!
     I have also put up a page on Facebook: 
     I hope that I can be informative, and helpful in any way relating to this area. I will be posting anything I feel is of interest in the health and wellness realm. Please feel free to post questions, and I will answer them as I get to them. I am in the Southern Utah area, and I make "house calls" right now rather than owning a brick and mortar office.  In the future, my hope is that both my husband (who is also a certified foot zone therapist) and I will be able to have a nice little office in which to serve our clientele.  First, we need to build up our clientele and spread the word!
     My intention is to educate my friends and new readers that visit here, on foot zoning, and how our bodies can run more efficiently on a cleaner, greener diet.  I would like this page to be free from negative energy, and reserve the right to delete any comments I deem negative.  It will simply be a forum to inform, if you do not agree with my view, kindly remember that it is my opinion when you proceed to make your comments, and keep them as light as possible!
     I hope you will enjoy reading as much as I enjoy posting!  Now, get out and do something good for your body! Remember that your thoughts create your reality, so be careful what you wish for!


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