Thursday, November 15, 2012

What are YOU Grateful for TODAY?!

     In November we have one day set aside in which to meet with our families, eat, and be thankful for all we have.  One day. I've never understood that. I know the history behind the holiday, yes. But- why just set aside ONE DAY to CELEBRATE the things in our lives for which we are thankful? 
     I started a "tradition" last year on Facebook for November, calling it "Thanksgiving Month;" I challenge my friends, family, and myself to post whatever we're grateful for that day, every day of the month. WOW! That's 30 days of something to be thankful for! Imagine that! In this exercise, I have stretched out my thinking cap, and used it to ponder what I am grateful for every day for 30 days, and I have also challenged others to do the same.
     There is an energetic vibration that goes along with gratitude.  It is a fast moving, healing vibration. These vibrations not only occur in our bodies, they emanate outward. Think: what happens when someone smiles at you? You have the sudden urge to smile at them, or at least I hope you do... So these energetic vibrations emanating from your body are felt unconsciously by others around you.  And if they're in a gratitude vibration, they're passing that along as well! Imagine if the world caught on to this? A truly magnificent shift could occur! Believe it.

     I was told the other day by a friend, that we should give thanks for the things we don't like about ourselves. It is a positive way of healing and moving forward when one is (like me, oftentimes) "stuck in a rut." I must add to this: not only give thanks for these things, but stop and ponder what you have learned because you had the "problem" in the first place. Are the "problems" then perhaps considered learning opportunities? 
     Another friend of mine learned to call her cancer a "health opportunity." These "problems" we have are all learning opportunities if we allow them to be such. Once we have thanked our health opportunities, and paused to consider what they may have taught us, we are then vibrating at a higher level, and our entire being will feel different. Better! Imagine what would happen if we kept sharing this gift of information with others we feel could use it? How many people could be blessed by this knowledge?
     OK, so- why stop at stating (writing is a great way to track progress as well) what we are thankful for in November only? Could we not multiply the healing vibration? Yes, I am quite sure we can! We can find something to be thankful for every single day! If the healing energetic vibration causes us to feel good, why stop after 30 days? I know, I have... But, when I look back over the past year, I know that I felt different last November for those days that I challenged myself to find one thing each day to give thanks for.

     That difference was a really good example to myself, of what I could have. Who wouldn't want that? I know that there are a few people out there like myself who are struggling with being addicted to the negative chemicals our brains pump out when we are depressed, angry, lonely, whatever. It is not easy to admit, nor is it easy to move forward out of a state of low energetic vibration. Sometimes it is hard for us to even want to get out of bed, and we are at a loss as to what we can do to get out of the Hell we are in. 
     Finding out that we put ourselves there is even harder to swallow. If we can come to this conclusion, and accept it, then we are more apt to accept that WE CAN CHANGE IT. We can move forward. It will not be easy, but it can be done, I saw it in a gal last night while in my weekly Anger Management class. At the beginning of the year, she was in misery. Almost without hope, poisoning herself with anger that held her back. She took the anger management classes, and what she got out of them were tools that helped her start working to change herself, which in turn changed her situation for the better. 
     She hit a snag along the line (as we do!), and the court has since sent her back to the class, but this did not stop her, like it would have me. She kept forging on (moving forward) beginning her day with stating "This is going to be a fabulous day!" Every day. She also said what really helped her, aside from making sure all of the tools she had learned in the class were close to her in her handy binder, was stating 10 things with which she was grateful- every day. 
     Ten things every day! Holy Toledo! She admitted that while her life was not perfect, she was happy with it. She has a job, and she has a reason to wake up every morning. She stated that she owed it not only to her children to get out of bed, but she owed it to herself. She was an inspiration to me. She was right there, in the flesh, smiling; and I felt a different vibration coming from her when we were in our group. It was different than mine and the other class member's. It was good. And I can have that. We all can! I intend to be in an attitude of gratitude this day, this month, and every day hereafter because I owe it to myself, my family, and my Creator! 
     So- What are you thankful for today? Tomorrow? Every Day?! Let's celebrate our gratitude every single day!



Sunday, November 4, 2012

To GMO or Not To GMO, Good Question!

     I've been avoiding writing this post for a while now. There's so much controversy surrounding this subject. Whether it's true, or not true, whether we know what a GMO is or not, whether or not we are all science experiments. Regretfully, I think I may have even lost a friend over this subject.  How about them apples? What's the big deal anyway? Isn't ALL FOOD ORGANIC? Some people believe it is so. In my very humble opinion, and experience, I do not believe, nor will I be convinced, that all foods in a supermarket today, are created equally.
     There was a time, not too long ago, that I believed I could eat anything I darn well pleased.  And so I did! Candy, chips, pre-made packaged meals, or processed foods, I would go out to eat once or twice per week if I wanted, you name it, if it sounded like it would be yummy, I ate it! Then, I noticed I was packing on pounds, even though I was exercising, which is not like me. Then, I started feeling sick, not flu, or cold, or sniffles, sick; things inside my body just sort of stopped working properly, I developed unexplained areas of inflammation (with no apparent cause), that swell up worse to this day when I eat certain things.
     I had heard about GMOs (Genetically Engineered Organisms) a while back in my life, but thought nothing of it. How did they effect me? What were they anyway? If scientists want to experiment, let them, it's a free country, how else are we gonna learn? Hybridization has been done for centuries!  Little did I know that Genetic Engineering and Hybridization were not really the same thing. 

     I thought I'd run my own experiment, upon myself, because it couldn't hurt. I decided to see if eating more organic foods, cutting out the pre-made packaged & canned crap, and definitely avoiding anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup in it, held any merit. It was about this time I learned of something (which I thought was a fad) called "Green Drinks" or "Green Smoothies." Those really sounded disgusting, drinking SPINACH??? Ew. It took me about a year, year and a half, doing this experiment to correlate what I ate with my health.
     In April, my weight was way up, and it depressed me so very much, because I was exercising, and drinking my smoothies, I didn't get it.  I was still sort of eating some things that were not as good for me as they could have been. (Cough chough, tater tots!!)  I was also such a carnivore, another correlation revelation to be made down the road... 
     I do love meat. I never realized how much meat the average American consumes during the course of one day. Think about it: bacon or sausage with breakfast, lunch meat, or a salad with ham or the like on it, meatloaf or whatever else with meat for dinner. Never bothered me before. But, the more research I did in my Foot Zone Therapy class, and talking with my sister who is studying to be a botanist, I discovered that eating that much meat on a daily basis, just isn't good for the waistline. I won't even go into what it does to the environment, or farmers... 
     Having found out last year that I could no longer eat wheat (I've had stomach problems for a great deal of my adult life, tried all sorts of things to "cure" it, nothing worked until I quit eating wheat), which turned out to be the best thing for my health in many ways, I knew it was time to up my game this year in my quest for better health. 
     This year has been the real test.  This was the year I found Foot Zone Therapy, and have made it an everyday promise to drink either a green smoothie, or a wheatgrass shot. Let's see, no wheat, more vegetables and fruit, less meat (down to one meal per day, and non on Meatless Mondays), how in the world was I to survive? Very well, thank you.
     I also had the opportunity to get foot zones done on me for free. In six or more months of weekly foot zones, and eating better than I ever have been before, I saw that I had a lot more energy than I've ever had, well, since my late teens, early twenties anyway! Also, when everyone else in the house would fall ill, I stayed healthy. Huh.
     The real proof came recently, when I discovered that I had dropped 10 pounds from April, but it wasn't the weight loss that was amazing, it was the redistribution of the weight I had left (no more muffin top and chubby knees!). It may not have come off quickly, and it really didn't want to come off, I think. But it did, and I know I'm better for it. My knees don't hurt, my feet are not swollen, even the one that was swollen all the time for no apparent reason. My results may have had something to do with the weekly foot zones, but mark my words, my Nazi actions toward label reading have something to do with it as well. 
     The combination of eating better, and weekly foot zoning have seen me so much more healthy than I was, even from a year ago. I may get called a fanatic, but the results from eating healthier just seemed to happen too quickly for me to deny the existence of GMOs any longer. So, I came up with some rules of thumb while shopping: If there are more than 5 or 6 ingredients on the label of food (or shampoo, soap, or toothpaste, they get put in and on your body too!) you are about to purchase, should you eat it? If you do not know how to pronounce half or more of the ingredients, should you ingest it? Lastly, if you do NOT know what the heck it is that is typed on that label, even if you CAN pronounce it, do you really want it in your body?

     We only have one body, and it is supposed to last us until we are really old, hopefully, anyway. I personally would rather have QUALITY years over QUANTITY. I'm not old yet, and when things started pooping out on me within my vessel, I wanted to know what I could do to remedy that issue.  I also really dislike medical doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals. If I can heal myself without having to use any of those, I would rather. I know that I'm going to a doctor if my arm breaks, but I would like to prevent cancer or a heart attack, or kidney stones (oops, too late), or liver failure if I can.
     I am not one to sit idly by and accept that it is my age that brings on an influx of weight.  There are thin 70 year olds out there in existence! I am also not the kind of person who likes prescription drug side-effects. If there is even a remote chance that I can stay un-depressed without the pills, I am willing to try it.  Since I have been on at least 3 different prescriptions for my "depression" that have done nothing for me other than cause some other weird, abnormal occurrence in my body, I'll stay far away.
     Prove to yourselves, once and for all, that Genetic Modifications are a factor in our health, or should I say LACK THEREOF. Try it out for the minimum of six months to a year, for some it will happen faster. Note your health changes by kicking out the processed foods.  Eat organic more than not, cut back on your meat intake, it IS possible!  I guarantee you will see a change in your health.

     You could just accept that sickness is an everyday part of your life, and you can stay a couch potato, and keep eating whatever you want. It is your choice. You can choose to ignore this post, and go on eating, drinking, and being merry, that's up to you. But if you are like me, and you'd rather have quality in your years on this planet, and you wonder why illnesses that used to be fewer and farther between, are now epidemics, it certainly is a thought worth entertaining.  
     The sad fact is: "Genetically engineered foods are generally regarded as safe. There has been no adequate testing, however, to ensure complete safety. There are no reports of illness or injury due to genetically engineered foods. However, each new genetically engineered food will need to be judged individually." I for one, do not wish to be a human lab rat!
     Please know that while I do get upon my little soapbox often, I try not to tell people how they ought to run their lives.  I just know what has happened in my life, and why I made the choices I have made, and why I chose to stick with it, and I feel the need to share. you can use your own judgement, and figure it out for yourself, in fact, I would challenge you to!


Articles of interest on GMOs:

What I carry when I shop:


Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead 
Forks over Knives
Food Inc.
Genetic Roulette

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sharing is Caring II

     I'm going to borrow -or share, rather- one of my articles from my website to tantalize you into going over to view it! I'm about ready to learn how to build profitable traffic, and I am EXCITED! I AM doing the Happy Dance.  I apologize for not keeping up with my weekly blogging, kids, but as you can guess, this website is taking up a ton of my extra time. I know it'll be worth it! So here's an excerpt from my first article entitled:

Health and Wellbeing

The first topic to be covered on this site, and a quite good question to answer is, “What is health & wellbeing?”
The dictionary defines each thusly:
Well-be·ing [wel-bee-ing] noun -a good or satisfactory condition of existence; a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity; welfare: to influence the well-being of the nation and its people.
Health [helth] noun -1. the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor: good health; poor health.  2. soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease or ailment: to have one's health; to lose one's health.  3. a polite or complimentary wish for a person's health, happiness, etc., especially as a toast: We drank a health to our guest of honor.  4. vigor; vitality: economic health.
Simple, easy, and to the point. Browsing around the internet can lead to information that is both good and bad; we need to remember to take a lot of what’s out there with a grain of salt. Amazingly enough, there was the perfect definition on a website just awaiting perusal:
Health and Wellbeing - more than just good health, wellbeing describes a state of wellness of body, mind and soul, where all are in a state of health, the individual is happy and prospering. Wellbeing is not available by prescription, there is no one path and many different roads can be taken to arrive there.¹...

To read more of this article, please click on this here link:

Thank you for being so patient and sticking with me through this exciting time of CHANGE!! As I always say, "The ONLY constant in life is change."
Make it a blessed day!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Website Under Construction!

Just a quick few words... I've got to let the cat out of the bag... This week, I've been working on a website! It's still under construction, but I suppose I can tell a few important people about it. My site is about, well- Health & Well-being. What else would it be about? You can follow this link to find my site, tell your friends & neighbors. My hope is that there will be enough information on there once it's complete to cure what ails ya... Or at least give you a great start! To your health!



Friday, September 28, 2012

When the Mountain Gets in the Way...

     Today's blog is going to be a bit different, more like therapy for myself, or venting, if you will.  Whatever it gets labeled, I hope you will bear with me.  It has been one Heckuva day: I was terminated at my place of employment due to a predicament I was in earlier this year. A momentary lapse of reason, in which I acted totally out of character- resulting in a Class B Misdemeanor, a hefty fine, 48 hours in the local jail, and anger management classes (not to mention failing a sting about a week after getting out of the hoosegow, I get to do community service for that though...). My background check, which they assured me at the beginning (because I was forthright, and told them of this altercation); would not be a problem, turned out most definitely to be a problem. A "problem" which may cost me more than just this job. 
     As I sit here typing this up, wringing my hands, I find myself out of work once again, for the umpteenth time in 3 (or more) years; I can't help but want to kick myself. I could have stayed inside of my vehicle and remembered to breathe back in March when this all started. I chose to act on an impulse, and I continue to reap all sorts of consequences aside from whatever the judge handed out.
     With these lingering consequences, I have two choices I can ultimately make: I can sit here and keep on brooding until I make my life Hell all over again, and go back to where I started before my "journey of enlightenment." OR: I can choose to ask, "What is the lesson here?" It is painfully obvious that I am still learning, and until I find out what the "lesson" is, I am doomed to repeat it. Do I still get in my own way? It is possible.

     I am desperately trying to STOP any negative thoughts that come to mind, consequently, by keeping myself occupied with busy work. I realize all too well that what you put out to the Uni-verse, you get back. I need all the positivity I can get at this point in time, so I don't think I can afford to put any negativity out there. True, this is a setback, but is it possible to see this "setback" in a positive light? Some say it is so.

     I have found that no matter where I have lived, I cannot get away from my "problems," and they even seem to "follow" me. Is it not a possibility that I carry these "problems" within me? This is why I have asked if I continue to get in my own way. I haven't thought to 'wish for something as it turns out' before, so seeing this graphic is fortunate timing.  To ponder just what it means to get out of my own way, assess the current situation, and find out how best to proceed in spite of what happened (in spite of? Maybe not in spite of...), will do me some good.
     The facts from today are outlined thusly: The "chiefs" liked me.  They really didn't care that I had a couple of bad days, we all have them. So, I can congratulate myself for being recognized for my potential in a job. I must keep that close to my heart.  Were it that my place of employment was a publicly owned facility, it would matter not that I got a Misdemeanor. But, as it is a Government funded organization, they could not keep me on.
     I am not avoiding blame in this, I am simply looking at the facts of the situation.  They saw me as a good worker, a good match for the job I was hired to do. They saw that I was devastated when they had to let me go, and they did not like that they had to enforce it.  
     The sad, and glaring, fact remains: I have arrived in this circumstance as a result of acting on an ANGER IMPULSE, a negative reaction to a occurrence that happened. The traffic collision could have happened to anyone, and has happened to a fair amount of people, I'm sure. I allowed negativity to outside stressors to take over, and I want to make a point here: HOW I CHOSE TO REACT AT THAT POINT IN TIME HAS AFFECTED MY LIFE IN THE HERE AND NOW.
     This is why it is imperative to keep your negative impulses in check. You can be angry, that is ok, I'm not saying we're not allowed to get angry- it happens. How you choose to ACT on that anger may NOT, however, be ok. When I chose to assault another human being simply because their car barely tapped mine on the bumper, that action WAS NOT OK. I cannot take it back, so I am cycling through the outcome and repercussions of that negative action. If I can see the gift in all of this "mess," I may be alright!  If I can see the chance to grow I am being allowed, I may be able to say that I have gotten out of my own way.

     I keep praying that I will see this termination from the best job I've ever had as God sees it.  Not now I want to see it. I don't particularly like to think about my immediate thoughts on this subject as I left the building today. I'm certainly not going to dwell on that reaction. That is where I had to immediately interrupt my thought process, before I ran smack into that huge mountain ever looming before me.  This mountain looms before all of us, whether we realize it or not. We can choose to climb that mountain, go around it the long way, blast through it, or- yes there IS another option- move it.

     When we successfully learn to move the mountains in our lives out of the way- we have, in reality, been granted the knowledge we so desire in order to grow! I pray that I can successfully move this particular mountain. It has been in my way quite a long time. My epiphany: the mountain I need to remove is me holding myself back from anything good in my life because as a child, I was programmed to believe I would never amount to anything. 
     Why in the world would ANYONE WANT to hold onto THAT their entire life? Maybe because that is the lie they have chosen to see masquerading as truth. I have heard that in order to truly heal, and ultimately move forward, one needs to admit they have a problem.  Houston, we have a problem. Well, that was the first step in the successful removal of said "Life Mountain." I am quite sure that the mountain may remain for a while longer, but I see it now.
     Tomorrow, I may even be able to see beyond the mountain, but it certainly will not move right away. Moving it could be hard. I'd like it to be easy. Can I intend for it to be easy? I have heard that manifesting good can be as easy as one makes it. So, here goes. Enough about landscaping, I see what I'd like, and I am willing to believe the truth about me now that I've caught a glimpse of it. Why be afraid of my potential? Aren't we all?
     Thank you for coming on this particular journey with me today.  My hope is that in reading about my life's mountains, you may see your own, and be able to move them! Good luck and much positive energy goes out to all of us who need a major undertaking done in their lives!


Friday, September 21, 2012

Goals: Yea or Nay?

     I had an assignment in class the other day (I am certifying to be a Kindermusik teacher), it was on the importance of setting goals. In order to understand why this assignment may have been the slightest bit difficult for me, one must know that I have never set goals in my life.  I never wanted to be disappointed just in case I didn't reach them.  Now, I ask you: Is this a logical way to look at not setting goals?  I had always thought so. But I found, through this assignment, that envisioning your dreams helps motivate you.  This really explains quite a bit in my life: No vision = No motivation. Hmmmm...

We were told to draw two different pictures on two blank sheets of paper, one entitled, "My Life Today" the other, "My Dream Life." Although my drawings aren't art gallery worthy, here's what I came up with:


     I know they're small, and you probably cannot tell what's going on in them, but let's just say that in picture one, there's not a lot going on, a lot of dreaming, and a lot of "getting nowhere" to be had.  In the second picture, the page is filled, the thought bubble dream becomes the focus of the picture, bringing the dream into reality.  
     The second part of the assignment was to compare the two pictures, note the differences, then choose one word to describe the essence of the difference between the two.  This word then becomes your "Vision Word."  I can't say I've ever had a vision word before let alone "vision"...
     I chose my "Vision Word," and you can tell me if it fits:
We were to write that word on a separate piece of paper close to the second drawing, I chose a star-shaped Post-It to write it on & affixed it to a top corner.
     The assignment went further, I will just convey to you the part that REALLY helped me see how important making goals can be. We were to write goals in increments of: next few upcoming months, one year from now, and three years from now. It has always been so hard for me to think of the future when my life has always been so unpredictable, hence, why I've not set any goals.  I've especially not ever written them down.
     But, my grey matter was already working like a well-oiled machine from the previous leg of this journey, so I found that it became that much easier to see what I would like for myself in terms of Kindermusik (they listed some examples to get you motivated, which was really nice!).  I did choose goals for this career path (I've never even used that word "career" before when speaking of jobs), but I also chose personal goals.  I figured, if there is a remote chance that goals, when written and placed in a prominent spot, can come to fruition- then I'll give it a whirl! Here they are:

     With this assignment, I started to see why people might set goals. I also started to see that maybe in setting goals, they could possibly be reached. It's really not that big of a stretch to see that! I have a sister-in-law that had told me about something called a "Dream Board."  Now, where have I heard of that before?  Ah yes, after digging through my drug addled past, I HAVE heard of a Dream Board! Have I not mentioned watching The Secret previously?  
     Anyway- She told me that she made a big poster board and pasted cutouts of good "things" from magazine pictures she wanted in her life in different areas. She made this board with HER PICTURE in the middle, to attract all those good things to her, she stated.  
     She said (just yesterday, meaning all these good things have happened from then till NOW) that within 5 years, she had everything that she had put on that Dream Board in her life! I intend to make a proper Dream Board with MY PICTURE in the middle very soon!  I am looking for a proper collage type app online with which to do that, any suggestions? I suppose I could do it the "old-fashioned way" because I only found apps on my phone that would allow for 10 pictures maximum, and I couldn't arrange the pictures the way I wanted them so (*sigh*) this is what I came up with for now:


This class assignment/project has my brain working now, I believe that was the reason it was part of our syllabus. I hope that if some of you aren't already making goals, writing them out, or making a Dream Board, that you will decide to change your way of thinking. In my mind, this project only solidified my favorite quote:


Fun For Friday!

     I decided to type this post up including some recipes that I've recently posted on my Facebook Page before I got down to business with the real post for this week. Without further ado, here's some yummy, healthy food recipes for your Happy Friday, made in my own kitchen!  Enjoy. 
*Before you read any further, and find out my nasty secret- I shall disclaim these recipes by stating: I never really measure, and I apologize, so use your best judgement, and have fun!

Sha's Veggie Medley:
1/4 Cup cooked Quinoa (dash of coconut oil in the 1/2 cup water)
1/2 an avocado, diced
a few slivers of leek

*green beans
*peppers in red, yellow, orange & green
(These all came out to about a cup of veg, I dunno- I never measure!)
Saute veg w/ crushed garlic, and dash of ginger (to taste) in coconut oil with half a handful of chopped kale and hemp seeds thrown in for crunch, lemon juice dashed on the top just before spooning up!
1/4 cup quinoa (cooked in 1/2 cup water & coconut oil) 
Sauteed veggies (in coconut oil and Real Salt):
*green beans
*peppers in multiple colors
*chopped beet
*chopped garlic
*chopped zucchini
*chopped leek slices
Toward the end of sauteeing, throw in a handful of slivered almonds(yum!)! All these veggies came out to be about a cup to a cup & a half total.
Chop up a couple of slices of tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocado to throw on top. I garnished with lemon juice, garlic powder, and Bubbies Pickles (the dill pickle relish).
Last, but certainly NOT least, the tofu tummy tickler-
Veggie Tofu Surprise:
(The surprise was: it was really yummy!)
No quinoa on this recipe! Unless you really want it...
1 Cup Long grain brown & wild rice (it was made up from a previous day, the joys of leftovers!) 
1 pkg. Wildwood Organic SprouTofu (I diced it and cooked the whole thing but only used about 1/4 cup in this dish) Extra Firm
For the Tofu:
Season coconut oil with chicken boullion, curry powder, ginger & garlic powders, a few basil flakes (or fresh basil if you have it on hand, sadly, I didn't), and a hint of cayenne pepper. Brown all sides, should come out a loverly shade of yellow! Don't forget the Real Salt to taste!
For the Veg:
Wilt kale and Spinach in your pan w/ coconut oil & lemon juice
Add: some organic mixed frozen veg of your choice ( I used a broccoli/cauliflower/
zucchini/carrot mix w/ some green beans & peppers added; should equal to about 1/4 cup mixed veg, and however much kale & spinach you can handle
Throw in some diced ginger & garlic, maybe about 1/2 tsp each (Mmmmm!)
At the last minute, just to heat them up, toss in a handful of kidney beans.
Your veg should be soft, but not soggy! 
1: Steaming veggies & beans!
2: Just look at that delicious caramelized tofu!
3: Layering the rice, veg, then top off w/ tofu
4 Beautiful finished product!
     I hope you enjoy your time in the kitchen as much as I do.  I will post more recipes as I make them- so long as they keep turning out yummy! As you can see, these are all vegetarian dishes.  I have started to limit my intake of meat to one meal per day.  This has made it so much more fun to experiment in the kitchen!  Plus, I started to implement Meatless Monday this week, and that site seems to have a ton of great recipes to never get tired of trying and Pinning! This limiting my meat intake experiment is something I started doing because I intend to make a difference in my world, and my health.  I am starting to see the results of this lifestyle change (I'm not going to call it a "diet"), and you can too!  Who said vegetarian has to be boring?  While I'm not ready to commit to a whole vegetarian lifestyle, this small change is going to have a wonderful impact upon my life, as it will also set a standard for those I live with, I hope...  To your health!





Saturday, September 8, 2012

Choosing Love is a Wise Choice for Life!

     In my life I have held on to many outdated beliefs: the belief that being stuck in a lackluster life is normal. The belief that I can never have the things I want. The belief that I don't matter, or make a difference. The list goes on, but I won't bore you with that. You're probably reading with a sympathetic nod, and may hold on to similar beliefs. WHY? 
     In past blog posts, haven't I discussed that we need to examine what is true for us, and let go of the lies?  In order to truly heal ourselves, we need to hold the belief that we are amazing, miraculous beings! We can do ANYTHING! If we do not believe it, it will never happen.  But within that previous sentence, we have even proven that we can make that belief come to fruition as well, we just didn't realize it!
     Too often in life we are told what is "normal," we are, in a sense, given a set of beliefs that we adopt as our own, because we don't yet understand that we do not need to own them. These beliefs can be passed to us through trusted friends, parents, mentors, teachers, ummm- the media- it doesn't matter who, the sad fact is, these beliefs get stuck in our heads, and are all too happy taking up residence! All the while silently ruining our lives.  Lives which could be so much MORE! What we believe becomes real for us. And in those beliefs lies a whole new (and numerous amounts) can of worms
     I just brought home a new cd from the library by Louise Hay entitled "You Can Heal Your Life," and I swear, I have been channeling her without my intention in this blog.  Woah.  I never read this book by her before, but while I drove home from the library with the cd playing in the car, she was saying almost exactly what I wanted (and have already stated thus far) to convey in this blog post!  Eerie? Not really.  I feel I'm finally getting on board with that sense we call intuition. This is a good thing.
     I intend to get all the good things I deserve.  We all deserve the good things in life! In 2 Nephi 2:25 it states: "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." While not all of you reading this will understand that this is a Scripture reference, because we do not share the same religious affiliation; know that this means: "Life is for fun, or our enjoyment." What I get from this? Life is love, love your life; let go of any beliefs that no longer serve you! Get all the good things in life you deserve!
     Louise stated that holding onto the negative beliefs causes so many of our bodily ills and dis-eases. Holding onto resentment for far too long, just what do you think can happen to your body with that outdated belief system? Cancer. Think about it.  Just entertain the thought.  For me it made nothing but complete sense, and a picture of a friend of mine, who was recently diagnosed, popped into my head.  Her words, along with her face, and the stories of holding onto this anger and resentment from her past came along as well.
     Our past has passed!  Why we hold onto it, I will never know. Yes, I have been guilty of holding on.  Lately, however, I made it an intention of mine to JUST LET IT GO. The past will never happen to us in the same way again.  It will never hurt us like it did the first time around. BUT- if we hold onto that moment, those memories, thoughts, and feelings- that's what kills us (quite literally)!

     So, in choosing love, in all aspects of our lives, we are not living in a fantasy world. Not remotely, we have chosen to have a better life.  The best life we can give ourselves, and all that this encompasses! Just envision what this could mean. There are no limitations to the abundance that will come with this assertion!  I challenge you to try it out for a week.  Really work on interrupting any negative thoughts you have held onto this long, and replacing them immediately with positivity and love.  It's never too late to heal, believe me! If you don't feel different, and better by the end of that week, you weren't working hard enough. 
     Try something smaller: when you start to feel any pain in your body, or sadness, or negativity, repeat the words, "I Am Love," ad nauseam. I promise you, you WILL feel love right away! Your body will warm, and tingle, and you will forget your pain.  At least, this is what I experienced one night with a cramp I had that almost knocked me out.  It was amazing!
     I hope that you enjoy coming here to my little corner of the internet, I sure do love sharing this knowledge with you!  Thank you for allowing me to share the love, and to serve you!


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Saturday, September 1, 2012

About Me, FZT, and a brief History...


     Okay, so far in my blog: I've gotten up on my soapbox a few times, spoken on topics I'm passionate about, such as self-love; but have I answered any questions in regard to what it is that I do? Nope. Not really... I have explored all around health & wellness, but have I addressed just what IS Foot Zone Therapy? Here's my definition:
     It is a foot message, done in four zones on each foot, which regenerates every single cell in your body in each session.
Does that answer your questions? If not, I know I went into fuller detail on the history, ins-and-outs, and what FZT is, and what it is not on both my Facebook Page, and on one of my Pinterest Boards with the same title as this Blog, go figure.
     I have had a session done by my loving husband just about every week since December.  I was quite a broken down, sick, toxic individual. A plethora of organs were not working to full capacity, and it was getting quite noticeable.  I was just ignoring it.  Though, I was probably crying out to the universe for a way to have better health.  I do not know in numbers how many foot zones I have had, but long about the fifth one is when I started to notice a change in my health.  For good!  My body has been treating me so well nowadays, that I have been thanking it by treating it well in return.  I have been feeding it well, trying to get further and further away from processed & Genetically Modified foods, and sugars.  It has not been an easy road, but I haven't really been ill for the entirety of this year!  I rang in the New Year ill, but I am quite sure that was toxins making their way out of my body, lately however, I have not had much more than common allergies, and it has been nice. 
     I now can feel when it is time for another Foot Zone.  My body will tell me, I can't go too much longer than two weeks between sessions.  Your body will let you know as well, if you decide to start getting zones on a regular basis.  It's all a matter of how important wellbeing is in your life.  
     This is what my husband and I do.  I truly believe that we make the world a healthier, and better place, one foot zone at a time!  I hope that this idea will soon catch fire, and people will start to see FZT as something they need in their quest for health & wellness, rather than a luxury to save up for and only indulge in once in a great while. 
     If you really would like to see a change for good in your life, ask your body what you can do for it, then ask the universe, or your Source what you can do for them. Both will let you know when you are ready to hear the answer.  Thank you for stopping by my little spot in the world, I hope to have answered some questions you may have had.


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thinking is Being

     Today, I am allowing myself to be inspired by my Source.  I want to speak on the importance of self-love, and what it means in terms of health.  In my book, it means EVERYTHING. We are what we think we are, in other words, what we think becomes our reality.  Don't believe me? Go ahead, put it to the test.  I can stand on my soapbox for hours warning you of the horrors of negative thought and the way it impacts your life, or, you can simply become aware of how your surroundings are, and what you've been thinking lately.  If it doesn't directly correlate, you're not paying attention.  I may have touched on this subject lightly in an earlier post, but I believe that my Source is telling me that it bears repeating.
     It is often difficult to think positively.  If we are caught in a rut of negative thought, as I have been most of my life, the only things that will undoubtedly manifest, are the things (ironically) that we are trying to get away from.  Many of us do not know how to break free of this cycle.  The first thing (this should be a DUH moment) is to become aware that you may be the cause of your own negative surroundings.  This includes, and is NOT limited to the people around you, where you live, your vocation, and anything else you can think of.
     Believe me, I didn't want to admit this, and it is extremely difficult to sit here right now baring my soul to the general public about the negativity I myself have invited to rule my life. I want you all to know that gradually, after I admitted that I am the cause of my pain, self-doubt, self-consciousness (the negative end), and lack of abundance. I am starting to acknowledge that I am also the cause of any healing that has come from that admittance. I have to consciously refuse to believe the negativity I am addicted to, and replace it with loving, positive energies. We can all be the source of healing in our lives.  Some of us need a little jump start, such as energy work.  And if that isn't enough, believe me, the universe will bring to you all that you need in order for you to heal your specific ailments!  
     I say this because I have, in this past very short few weeks of my intent to bring healing and positivity into my life, been in contact with people who have contacts for me who do remarkable mediums in healing that I have never even heard of!  I am amazed (still, and probably always will be) at the remarkable love that our Source has for us, and if you truly intend to get closer to that Source, you will be shown what you need in your life- right when you need it.  You can deny this simple fact, or, as I have previously stated: put it to the test.

     I now have heard of two more modalities of Eastern type healers that I never knew existed in our world: Rapid Eye Therapists, and Emotional Rebalance Therapists.  Let me know if anyone else has heard of these, or other, related modalities! Foot Zone Therapy is relatively new to me, even.  Shocking- if you knew my mother and her philosophies on health and wellness.  I am excited to learn more about these modalities, and how they will be able to allow me to give more to the world!
     In listening to Dr. Wayne Dyer, I feel so in tune with the lessons he has learned in his life about manifesting, and intentionally thinking, I feel sure that I was brought these lessons to help me in my quest to find my calling in life.  He is obviously a faithful, and spiritual man, and that means quite a bit to me. While some of his words don't always feel congruent to my faith, for the most part, I can put those incongruities on a shelf, open them later, or forget about them. 

     I encourage anyone (and everyone) who is struggling in their lives to: 
STOP, whatever it is you are doing, STOP, and listen
Take a moment to CONNECT to a higher power, for some of you, that could be God, for others, you know who or what your higher power is, it is your Source. You are NEVER too busy, or in too much of a hurry to do this.  This is vital.
FEEL just what that Source is trying to teach you at that moment.
BREATHE- it is so important to breathe.  In with the positive, cleansing energy, out with the negative, slowly moving energy.  If it helps to visualize it in colors, do so.  I do!
LET GO. Let go of the (any) past versions of yourself.  You will never be that person again, stop trying to get them back! 
REALIZE what is the truth in what is going on in your life, and what is the lie.  You will feel it and know it once you (find it and) admit it.  Hint: if you are still telling yourself that you are ugly because someone in second grade told you that, THAT would be the lie you have allowed to perpetrate as truth in your life, and it is harmful (just like poison)!
HOLD ON to the truth! The truth shall set you free! Liberation at all costs can and will be yours if you realize that you alone hold the key!  The truth is that we are all good, beautiful miracles.  How can we not be when we come from an amazing source that creates nothing but GOOD? Again, if you don't believe your creator makes good stuff, you're not paying attention. Put it to the test.
GET RID OF the lies. Do not allow them to permeate your spirit ever again.  If you start to think negatively, or you invite a lie back, even for a second, INTERRUPT that thought! Replace it with positivity, and move on, RINSE REPEAT.

     This is what I do every day. Sometimes several times in the day.  For some of us, it is easy to be truly happy, and healthy.  For the rest of us normal people, it is hard work!  But, oh-so worth it!!  Our bodies have such a wonderful capacity to heal, but in saying that, I have to let you in on an amazing secret: No one tells us this fact!  In a sense, we have to relearn this truth.  This is what I am here for.  I am here to tell you that God put these things on this planet for us to take advantage of, in fact it is a belief of the LDS religion that these things are here for us, and that we should seek after them: Article of Faith 13: "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
     Also, for those of you who haven't read a Bible in a while, not that I'm trying to be a Bible thumper, I'm simply quoting from one of the oldest books left here on Earth, to remind you to seek after good things in your lives:  Genesis 1:31- "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."
     Thank you for coming here, once again, and choosing to spend your precious time on my blog.  My hope is that it aligns you to be inspired (to be "in spirit",we'll talk more on that in a later post), and to do whatever it takes to find good health, and wellbeing!


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